Food Network Magazine the Big, Fun Kids Cookbook

$ 25.00

The Big, Fun Kids Cookbook from Food Network Magazine gives young food lovers everything they need to succeed in the kitchen.

Each recipe is totally foolproof and easy to follow, with color photos and tips to help beginners get excited about cooking. The book includes recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert--all from the trusted chefs in Food Network's test kitchen.

Kids will find cool surprises in every chapter: They'll be able to design their own stuffed French toast and cereal treats with "choose-your-own-adventure" recipes. They'll test their food smarts with pop quizzes, like "What's your hot dog IQ?". And they'll discover all sorts of crazy facts about their favorite foods: Did you know that a waffle inspired the first pair of Nike sneakers?

Author - Short: Food Network Magazine Pages (actual): 192 Illustrations (TI Sheet): 100+ Color Photographs