1. The Little Book of Dad Jokes: So Bad They're Good
Like dads themselves, these dad jokes are absolute stinkers. They haven't showered or gone to the gym in a while and, due to bloating, haven't seen their funny bones in a long time. But, like dads themselves, you'd miss them if you didn't hear them every once in a while. They are loveable in their own charming way. But, remember, don't eat all these jokes at once – you'll have a severe nervous breakdown. You have been warned!
2. The Little Book of Sleep: All the Information You Need to Enhance Your Life With a Good Night's Sleep
How much sleep is normal? What might be preventing you from sleeping well? This trusty tome deals with both of these questions and more. The Little Book of Sleep shows which foods are over-stimulating and which are calming, looks at dreams and what they mean, provides advice on surviving long plane journeys and avoiding the dreaded jetlag, and ends with a few sleepy myths that will have you nodding off in no time.
3. The Little Book of Dad
Gone are the days when dads went to work all week and mowed the lawns at weekends... Today's fathers are juggling it all but there's no doubt their contribution is often undervalued. From doing the 2 AM night feed to keeping up with the teens, it's a 24/7 job - but ask any dad, and he'll probably tell you it's the most rewarding role ever. This is a celebration of the world's most misunderstood species.
4. The Little Book of Weed
Weed's ever changing legal status, and how we got here including the movie masterpieces, and missteps, that put marijuana front and centre are explored.