STAR WARS Propaganda- A History Of Persuasive Art In The Galaxy

$ 40.00

Propaganda art has become synonymous with life in the galaxy far, far away. Whether it’s a poster of a Star Destroyer hovering over a planet in a display of Imperial domination; a symbol painted on a wall to deliver a message of hope on behalf of the Rebellion; or a mural depicting a line of stormtroopers to promote unity within the First Order, this type of art , as an instrument of persuasive fearmongering and impassioned idealism, captures the ever-changing tides of politics and public sentiment across the galaxy.

Star Wars Propaganda is an in-world history that threads together the stories behind these images—why they were created, how they were indicative of the times, who were the artists behind them—and delivers a glimpse into the anger, passion, and corruption that fuel the galaxy’s greatest wars.

With ten frame-ready propaganda prints included, this collection brings iconic images of the Star Wars galaxy into your hands.